"I’m running for the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, Ashburn District because this Board has moved too far to the left and is failing the people of Loudoun County.
My experience, especially the last few years, has allowed me to see first- hand how the left agenda has corrupted our local government and distracted our current leaders.
I’m running to provide a voice for the voiceless – the reasonable voices that aren’t being heard now."
In challenging economic times, fiscal discipline is paramount. Ensuring household taxes don’t further punish Loudoun families requires smart budgeting by controlling expenses and increasing revenue.
Academic excellence must be the driving focus of the school budget. Any initiative that undermines student performance or academic rigor should go unfunded. Safer schools must be a priority, not an after-thought. We need SROs in every school and full transparency & reporting to parents around all significant safety issues.
Safe, uncongested roads are my top priority. The county can do a better job with Incident Response on our roadways. Secondary accidents and hour-long backups are a side-effect of poor planning and misplaced initiatives.
Public Safety
Loudoun County is one of the safest communities in Northern Virginia thanks to the leadership of Sheriff Chapman. I will fight for full funding of his department to ensure that continued success. I also believe in expanding funding for crucial mental health and substance abuse programs incorporating bridge services, as they often are our communities' most impactful support to the most vulnerable.
Constituent Service
I want to make it easier for the people of Ashburn to be more involved and better informed on how their tax dollars are spent. Monthly town halls are my commitment. I will broadly publish my voting record on my website and social media, and welcome public accountability.